King’s philanthropy International
King’s Philanthropy International (KPI) is a non-governmental organization committed to making the world a better place through the provision of humanitarian services in the areas of education, health, improvement of living standards.
King’s philanthropy International
King’s Philanthropy International (KPI) is a non-governmental organization committed to making the world a better place through the provision of humanitarian services in the areas of education, health, improvement of living standards.


Fathering the next generation (FNG)

Fathering the next generation is an initiative of KPI that seeks to mentor children who do not have a father figure in their lives. It also seeks to give counselling to mothers with unexpected pregnancies or contemplating abortions and teenage mothers

Make an impact(MIC)

Make an impact campaign is an initiative of DVI to mobilize a minimum of GHC 50,000 to feed, clothe and give free medical care to over 7000 needy communities in Ghana and other countries.

Giving free food

Free food is given for the less privileged in the society during soup Kitchen events.

Giving free Clothes

Every year we do soup kitchen in various communities and during that time we give free clothes to all the participants

Free Medical screening

During soup kitchen events we have a number of medical doctors and nurses who volunteer to do free medical screening to the less privileged in the society.

Alternative livelihood

King’s Philanthropy International provides humanitarian services including educating  people in different communities on alternative livelihood skills such as bricks making.

Partner with us

Partner with us ( King’s philanthropy International )
  • Mobile Money
  • MTN: +233245465011
  • Vodafone: +233506188241
  • Please go ahead to send your money through the mobile money

Click On The Link Below To Make Payment 

Please go ahead to send your money through Express Pay

Humanitarian Volunteer form

Humanitarian Volunteer form

During soup kitchen, participants are given counselling about health and life issues.

During Soup Kitchen food is prepared for thousands of the participants

Kids have a special place during soup kitchen and volunteers help with the teaching /experiential learning & games

Free clothes are given out during soup kitchen and volunteers help to distribute them

Soup kitchen is attended with thousands of people, ushers assist the people that come for the event.

Free food is given out during soup kitchen and volunteers help to distribute them

During soup kitchen event every moment is captured; the technical team assist with taking of the videos, pictures and editing.