

Love Heralds gives the opportunity to serve as a full-time missionary. Full-time missionary is a volunteering role that gives you the opportunity to serve in various capacities in different countries and communities. As a full time missionary, you get the opportunity to disciple people, reach out to the lost, plant churches, crusades, administrative work, among others. Full-time ministers are instrumental in pushing the work of missions to places.

Volunteers can sign up for short term and long term missions which involves signing up for two weeks to 3 months (short term missions) and 2 years (long term missions), where you will be placed in the area of most need either administrative, discipleship or a missions field

Sign Up For Full-Time-Missionary

Full time missionary page

Referees details

Please give details of any referee that can be contacted

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My Experience

I am Mavis, graduate of KNUST. I served as full-time missionary for two(2)years. I had a lot of experiences both on the field and administratively. It has always been a great joy to share the Gospel.


I am Renita, but everyone calls me Reignie.  I am a lay minister of Love Heralds International. I joined Love Heralds in 2010 as a full-time minister and transitioned to a lay minister in 2013. I am currently a Marketing Manager in a company in Ghana, the leading fintech company in Ghana. Being a lay minister has challenged my faith in Christ in so many ways.
