Missions Handbook Courses(M.H.C)
This program is made up of different short weekend courses for “missions on the go”. These courses are designed to equip missionaries, pastors, church leaders, church workers, and Christians at large with basic knowledge that will make them more effective in sending the gospel in a simple and short three days flexible crash course.
General Missions Programme
This program is meant to equip pastors and church leaders, missionaries and Christians in general with knowledge about reaching out to the world with the gospel.
The program is also designed for persons with interest in long term missions, church planting, Apologetics, and a dynamic effective outreach in both church and missions context.
Basic STM(Short Term Missions) course
You are welcome to the Short Term Missions one (STM 1) course. This course is a two week short course. It is designed to reflect both indigenous and contemporary perspectives of presenting the gospel to rural communities although it is generally applicable in short term missions to urban areas.
This course also gives a contemporary youth perspective, from a rich and well researched background to making short term missions most effective.